Ruder 2019 – The 4 Biggest Open Problems in NLP

1 Natural language understanding

1.1 program synthesis

  • underlying NLU are the logical form representations of language
  • let's try predicting them directly

1.2 embodied intelligence

  • with massive compute, could place agent in the real world and try to get it to learn language from the ground up
  • in the meantime, can ground in simulated environment

1.3 inductive bias

  • related to the above, what sort of priors should we build into the model

1.4 emotions

  • incorporating as input

1.5 cog sci

  • build approaches inspired by brain science

2 NLP for low resource languages

2.1 universal language model

2.2 cross lingual representations

  • aligning word embeddings for different languages

3 reasoning about large/many documents

  • what does unsupervised language modelling look like for very long documents?
  • how do life long learning and memory work for language models

4 datasets and evaluation

Created: 2021-09-14 Tue 21:44